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Grapefruit: The Most Powerful Fruit?

Grapefruit was traditionally seen as a fruit that helps promote weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight by ancient folklore. While being a lower in sugar than other fruit, it is also loaded with many vitamins, antioxidants, and many other nutrients that make it extremely healthy. 

Something to be wary of, but also a feature that shows the power of grapefruit is the fact that it has reactions with numerous drugs. A substance produced by grapefruit as a defense mechanism called furanocoumarins is primarily responsible for these interactions. Furanocoumarins slows certain enzymes in the liver which slows the processing of certain medications such as statins, caffeine, amphetamines (adderall), and many other drugs (1). Some of these reactions can be dangerous and a list of these drugs that grapefruit can affect can be found here

Due to this effect that grapefruit has on liver metabolism, many people have used grapefruit juice to extend the effects of caffeine. In theory, by slowing the enzymatic processing of caffeine by ingesting grapefruit, the effects will last longer and the user would sustain the increased energy levels from caffeine. Although some individuals may report extended energy from this combination, most studies have been inconclusive (2). 

The powerful effects of the furanocoumarins found in grapefruit are not only limited to drug interactions. These substances also have shown potential health benefits which are likely due to the adaptive effect that they have on the body. Previous research has shown furanocoumarins in grapefruit to be strong antioxidants while being anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and promoting bone health (3).

The health benefits of grapefruit extend far beyond the effects from furanocoumarins. Other nutrients in grapefruit like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants provide extremely potent health benefits. 

Some studies have shown promise in grapefruit's ability to improve markers of cardiovascular disease. A flavonoid found in grapefruit called Naringenin is known for its antioxidant properties and ability to improve cholesterol, decrease inflammation, and reduce atherosclerosis in blood vessels (4). 

When you combine the benefits from these substances in grapefruit with high levels of immune system boosting Vitamin C , Vitamin A, and B vitamins, it makes grapefruit one of the most powerful and health-optimizing fruits in the world.